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Search for e returned 20 results

echinococcus (Hydatid disease)
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily (IFA Immunofluoresence) Units: TITeR Range: Negative Remarks: Immunological response to echinococcus parasite (hydatid disease) is highly variable with respect to cyst location and response od the ...

epstein Barr IgG eBV VCA
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily  (Immunofluorescence)Units: Titer Range: A positive result indicates past infection anywhere in the past Remarks: epstein Barr VCA (Viral capside antigen) test is used for the differential ...

epstein Barr IgM eBV VCA
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily Units: Titer Range: A positive titer may indicate current infection Remarks: epstein Barr VCA (Viral capside antigen) test is used for the differential diagnosis of infectious ...

Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily (Immunofluorescence) Units: Titer Range: Negative Remarks: enterovirus includes Coxsackie virus and echovirus tests. These virues produces a widw spectrum of diseases: myositis, pericarditis, meningitis, respiratory illnesses, ...

Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily Units: meq/L Range: Sodium: 135 - 155 meq/L Potassium: 3.5 - 5.5 meq/L Chloride: 95 - 108 meq/L Remarks: electrolytes test includes: Sodium, Potassium and Chlorides.

Sample: Whole blood Schedule: Daily Units: mm/h Range: Males up to 15, Females up to 20 Remarks: Particularly useful test used to evaluate activity of infections, inflammatory processes and autoimmune ...

e. Coli 0157 Verotoxin (VTeC)
Sample: Stools (4oC)Status: CY LabSchedule: 3 daysRange: Negative (eLISA test)Remarks: Verotoxin-producing e. coli (e. Coli O157 or VTeC)) is responsible for the pathogenesis of diarrhea, hemorrhagic colitis, hemolytic uremic syndrome ...

ent. histolytica IgM (IFA)
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily (IFA Immunofluoresence) Units: TITeR Range: A positive reaction may indicate current infection Remarks: e. histolytica infects humans and primates, is transmited by cysts (the environmental survival ...

ent. histolytica IgG (IFA)
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily Units: TITeR Range: A positive result indicates past infection Remarks e. histolytica infects humans and primates, is transmited by cysts (the environmental survival form of the ...

Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily Units: pmol/L Factor x 0,273 = pg/mL Range: (See table below) Remarks: estradiol (e-2) test is used for evaluation of the ovarian function.. Low estradiol levels ...

electroph. Hb
Sample: Whole Blood 0.5 mLStatus: AccreditedSchedule: Twice weekly Units: Range: HbA2 levels < 3.5% of total Hb Remarks: Hemoglobin A2 levels have special application to the diagnosis of beta-thalassemia trait, ...

endomysium IgG (IFA)
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily (IFA Immunofluoresence) Units: TITeR Range: Negative Remarks: endomysial antivodies are useful in the diagnosis of gluten-sensitive enteropathies. The presence of these antibodies to any one or ...

eNA (II) extractable Nuclear Antigens
Sample: Serum 0.5 mLSchedule: Tuesday, Thursday (Western Blot) Units: Range: Negative Remarks: eNA are autoantibodies that usually produce a speckled IF pattern when Hep-2 cells are used to detect ANA ...

Sample: Whole blood Schedule: Daily Units: x10^9/L Range: Remarks: eosinophils are increased mainly in allergy, parasitic infestations, tuberculosis, brucellosis, collagen disease, Hodgkins disease, myeloproliferative diseases, and the acute hypereosinophilic syndrome. ...

echovirus (IFA)
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily (IFA Immunofluoresence) Units: TITeR Range: Negative Remarks: echovirus belongs to the non-polio enteroviruses group, which include all coxsackie viruses and echoviruses, is a RNA virus (picornavirus) ...

eNA (I) (extractable Nuclear Antigen)
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily Units: Range: Negative Remarks: eNA are autoantibodies that usually produce a speckled IF pattern when Hep-2 cells are used to detect ANA and are normally directed ...

epanutin (Phenytoin)
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily Units: µmol/L Range: 35 - 80 µmol/L (Therapeutic range)Factor:  1 µg/mL = 3.63 μmol/LRemarks: epanutin (Phenytoin) is used in the treatment of seizures and frequently is ...

eN ISO 15189:2007
Quality Management     Our Laboratory is awarded by the International Organization for Standardization through the Cyprus Organization for the Promotion of Quality (CYS) with the Accreditation eN ...

endomysium IgA (IFA)
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily (IFA Immunofluoresence) Units: TITeR Range: Negative Remarks: endomysial antivodies are useful in the diagnosis of gluten-sensitive enteropathies. The presence of these antibodies to any one or ...

electroph. Proteins
Sample: Serum, CSF, Urine Schedule: Twice weekly Units: Range: Remarks: Sample Serum, CSF, Urine Schedule Twice weekly Units Range Remarks Patterns of Serum Protein electrophoresis electrophoretic Fractions Pattern TotalProtein Album ...


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