Special Sampling Instructions

Special Tests Schedule                                     

  Click here for Comprenhensive Sample Collection Instructions




Aldosterone, Renin

Patient’s preparation

  1. After physician’s consent, suspend anti hypertensive, diuretic, steroid and oestrogen medications for 2-4 weeks prior to sample collection.
  2. Sodium restriction prior to testing tends to cause an increase in Renin activity, while supplementation can result in lower Renin values.
  3. The physician may request the test to be done “At rest” (patient should be laying) or “In motion” (patient should walk) at least 30 minutes before collecting blood for Renin and Aldosterone testing.

Sample preparation

Renin         :    Plasma EDTA   800 uL (Frozen)    

Aldosterone:   Serum  800 uL (Frozen)

  1. Collect sample in the morning, preferably from artery, in two ice immersed tubes:  EDTA tube for Renin activity and Plain tube for Aldosterone test.
  2. Separate at least 800 μL plasma and 800 μL serum in refrigerated centrifuge, immediately freeze and store samples frozen at -20°C.
  3. Fill the Request Form for analysis clearly indicating whether the test is “At Rest” or “In Motion”.
  4. Send the specimens in a way that assures will arrive frozen to the laboratory.
  5. Random measurement of Aldosterone has not diagnostic value unless Renin activity is measured simultaneously (Critical value ratio of   Aldosterone to Renin activity is more than 50).


Catecholamines, Metanephrines, VMA, 5HIAA, HVA  (All in Urine Sample)

Food Limitations:  One Week before collecting the urine sample the following foods should be avoided:Coffee, Tea Bananas, Chocolates, Tomatoes, and Cola drinks

Drugs Limitations:  Two Weeks before collecting the urine sample the following medicines should not be taken:Acetaminophen, Amoxicillin, Aspirin, Disulfiram, Levodopa, Monoamine inhibitors, Pyridoxine, Reserpine.
Consult with your physician whether you are under treatment with one or more of such medicines.

Sample collection (24 hrs urine sample in HCl)

  1. In a big clean plastic container add the special preservative provided by the laboratory (10 mL of HCl 6N),
  2. Close the container and give to the patient (Warning: this preservative is a strong acid! If it becomes in contact with the skin, wash thoroughly with plenty water!)
  3. The first urine sample is not collected, all next samples are collected into the container incliding the last sample (after exactly 24 hrs). Do not miss any sample during this period.
  4. The container is kept in a fresh and cold place, avoiding exposure to light.
  5. After collection the 24hr urine sample send it to the laboratory

Catecholamines, Metanephrines Plasma

Patient’s preparation
Foods: Avoid bananas, chocolate, pineapple, red plums , avocado, walnuts, kiwi fruit, tomatoes
Medicines: Muscle relaxants, acetaminophen, caffeine, fluorouracil, iodine solutions, antidepressants, isoniazid, phenothizine drugs for 48 hours prior to sample collection (Consult your physician before changes in medicines intake)

Sampling: The test is better done during HT crisis of the patient.

Sample preparation

  1. Collect sample in the morning, preferably from artery, in two ice immersed tubes with EDTA
  2. Separate at least 5mL plasma for each Catecholamines and Metanephrines examination  in refrigerated centrifuge
  3. Immediately freeze and store samples frozen at -20°C.
  4. Send the specimens in a way that assures will arrive frozen to the laboratory.


Chromogranin A, Chromogranin B, GUT, Gastrin, Vasoactive I Peptide

GUT Hormones Panel: Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP); pancreatic polypeptide (PP); Gastrin; Pancreatic Glucagon (PG); Somatostatin; Neurotensin; Chromogranin A (CgA) and Chromogranin B (CgB)

Clinical Use: Diagnosis of pancreatic endocrine tumours.

Patient Preparation :With patient at rest after a complete overnight fast, take blood (10 ml) using a syringe and needle. H2 blockers should be stopped for 72h and omeprazole for two weeks, before blood is taken. See notes overleaf.

Sample Preparation

  1. Transfer the blood (10 ml) to a lithium-heparin tube containing Trasylol (aprotinin, 0.2 ml, 2000 KIU). Mix by inversion.Place on ice and transfer to the laboratory.
  2. Separate the plasma in a refrigerated centrifuge.Aliquot known volumes of plasma (preferably into polypropylene tubes, in case of breakage in transit) and freeze at -20oC within 15 minutes of venepuncture.Visible haemolysis invalidates the result.
  3. Always send sample on dry ice. If chromogranin A and chromogranin B are only required then a non-fasting serum sample without trasylol is acceptable, but it is still necessary to send the sample on dry ice or freeze dried.
  4. If trasylol is not added, please state this collection method clearly on the request form as this sample will not be valid for all GUT Hormone tests.
  5. State clearly and indelibly the patient’s name (in English) on every sample and also on accompanying forms. Seal under dry ice Send by curier to the laboratory's address shown below.
  6. Record on the request form the patient’s serum calcium and urea levels, a list of all drugs currently administered, details of any gastric  surgery the patient has undergone and the basal and stimulated acid output (if available).


Sample preparation

  1. Before blood sampling leave to warm all necessary items for phlebotomy (tubes, syringes, needles, etc) for30 min in theincubator at 37oC.
  2. After blood sampling let the sample to coagulate for at least 30 min at 37oC
  3. Separate the serum at RT
  4. Send it to the lab. Do not put the sample in the refrigerator at any time
  5. False results may produce if the sample instructions are not followed

Humira, Immuran, 6-TGN, 6-MMP, TPMT

Sample Instructions

  1. Immuran Profile, 6-TGN, 6-MMP, TPMT : Whole Blood (EDTA) 3.0 mL
  2. Humira Profile: Serum (Red tube) 5.0 mL

Patient’s preparation

  1. Sampling must be carried out the day specified by the Physician (on Mondays, Tuesdays or Wednesdays),
  2. Sampling done preferably shortly before drug administration.
  3. It is not necessary to be fasting.

Sample preparation

  1. Collect samples as indicated above in Sample Instructions:
  2. Whole blood in purple tube (EDTA), 3.0 mL Serum sample in red tube without anticoagulant, 5.0 mL
  3. Place the samples in a plastic bag surrounded with enough sorbent paper (to prevent the tubes to be broken).
  4. Place the bag in a hard box.
  5. Send the samples via AKIS Express to RUDAS LAB Tel. 22760407 Nicosia


Quantiferon TB

Ετοιμασία των Δειγμάτων

1. Συλλέγετε ακριβώς από1mL ολικού αίματος στον καθένα από τα τέσσερα ειδικά σωληνάρια  συλλογής          

Αρνητικού μάρτυρα (Nil-IFN-γ Control - Grey cap ◙)

Αντιγόνου TB1 Φυματίωσης (TB1 IFN-γ Antigen – Green cap ◙)

Αντιγόνου TB2 Φυματίωσης (TB2 IFN-γ Antigen – Yellow cap ◙)

Θετικού μάρτυρα (Mitogen control – Purple cap◙)    

Εάν το επίπεδο του αίματος δεν είναι ακριβώς πάνω στην μαύρη γραμμή πληρότητας (1 mL) των σωληνάριων τότε συνιστάται η λήψη νέου  δείγματος                                                                                                                                   

2. Αναμίξετε τα σωληνάρια με το αίμα ανακινώντας τα απαλά για 5 δευτερόλεπτα. Σιγουρευτείτε, ότι ολόκληρη η εσωτερική επιφάνια του σωληνάριου έχει επικαλυφθεί με το αίμα.

3 Τα σωληνάρια με τα δείγματα φυλάγονται σε θερμοκρασία δωματίου, όχι στο ψυγείο, και πρέπει να φτάσουν στο εργαστήριο εντός 16 ωρών.


4. Αποστολή των σωληνάριων στο εργαστήριο στους 4 oC







1. Η αιμοληψία πρέπει να γίνει από Δευτέρα μέχρι Τετάρτη νωρίς το πρωί
2. Δεν χρειάζεται ο ασθενής να είναι νηστικός
3. Συλλέγετε το δείγμα αίματος σε 2 σωληνάρια των 2,5 mL με αντιπηκτικό EDTA.
4. Τυλίξτε τα σωληνάρια με απορροφητικό χαρτί , βάλετε τα σε ένα πλαστικό σακούλι και κλείστε καλά το σακούλι
5. Τοποθετήστε το σακούλι σε μία μικρή παγωνιέρα με παγοκύστη
6. Παραδώστε την παγωνιέρα σε οποιονδήποτε γραφείο AKIS Express στο όνομα ΧΗΜΕΙΟ ΡΟΥΑ Λευκωσία Τηλ.: 22760407
7. Το δέμα πρέπει να φτάσει στην Λευκωσία πριν τις 11:00 π.μ.



  1. HPLC tests results in three days:, Catecholamines Urine, Metanephrines Urine, HVA, VMA,  5-HIAA, Serotonin.
  2. Hormones, Cancer markers and Drug levels tests (TDM) are performed same day, provided the samples arrive to our lab before 3:30 pm. Hormones tests (performed daily) include: ACTH,  Anti HBs, Calcitonin, Cortisol, DHEA-S, Free Cortisol, Growth Hormone, Insulin, Osteocalcin, PTH, SHBG, and all routine hormones. Drugs tests include: Carbamazepine (Tegretol), Depakene (Valproic Ac.), Digitoxin, Digoxin, Epanutin (Phenitoin), Phenobarbitone, Tegretol, Valproic Ac. Cancer markers tests include: AFP, CA 125, CA 15-3, CA 19-9, CEA, HCG, Free PSA, PSA, Thyroglobulin, Vitamin D (25-OH).
  3. Immunofluorescence (IFA), HIV 1&2 and Hepatitis tests, all types, are performed same day, provided the samples arrive to our lab before 8:30 am (Hepatitis tests include: HAV IgG, HAV IgM, HBsAg, HBeAg, Anti HBc IgG/IgM, Anti HBe, HCV).  
  4. ELISA tests include: Hepatitis tests (all types), Cardiolipins, CCP, ENA, Jo, RNP, Scl 70, Sm, SS-A/Ro,  SS-B/La, MPO, PR3  and are performed every day, provided the samples arrive to our lab before 8:30 am. 
  5. Aldosterone test needs 24 hrs incubation, therefore the results are ready on Saturday.
  6. Angiotensin I, Renin and TSH Receptor antibodies (TR-AB) tests are performed every day.
  7. Serum Protein and Hb Electrophoresis tests are performed daily, Serum Immunofixation (IFE), may need two-three days to be completed. Urine electrophoresis and Urine IFE may need up to four days. 


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