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autoantibodies Profile 1
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily Units: Range: NEGaTIVE Remarks: Test includes aNa Hep-2 IFa test, dsDNa (C. luciliae IFa test) and ENa (SS-a/Ro, SS-B/La, Scl-70, Sm, Jo-1, RNP) ELISa antibodies all ...

aPTT (activated Partial Thromboplastin Time)
Sample: Plasma (Citrate) Schedule: Daily Units: Seconds Range: 28 - 38 Remarks: aPTT( activated Partial Thromboplastin Time) is used to assess deficiency or inhibition of factors in the intrinsic pathway ...

anti SS-B/La antibody
Sample: Serum  Schedule: Daily Units: Range: Negative Remarks: anti SS-a/Ro antibodies are found in about 70% of patients with Sjögrens syndrome and in less degree ( about 40%) in patients ...

androstenedione (D4)
Sample: Serum or EDTa, heparin plasma. See Instructions hereSchedule: Wednesday and Friday Units: ng/mL Convertion ng/mL x 3.4916 = nmol/L Range: It exhibits diurnal variations, being highest in the morning ...

aIDS HIV I&II antibodies
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily Units: Range: Negative Remarks: Test is used to detect exposure to HIV-1 and/or HIV-2 viruses, the causative agent of aIDS (adquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). a positive result ...

Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily (Immunofluorescence) Units: Titer Range: a fourfold (o greather) increase of the titer in paired (drown 2-3 weeks appart) serum samples indicates recet viral infection. Remarks: always ...

abdominal Pain Profile
Sample: Serum, Whole blood, Urine Schedule: Daily Range: Full Blood Count, Differential, Morphology, ESR, Scattergram, Liver Function Tests, amylase, H. pylory, Stools Examination, Urinalysis, Cultures Remarks: abdominal pain may have ...

anti Thyroid antibodies
Sample: Serum  Schedule: Daily Units: IU/mL Range: anti Thyroglobulin : < 20 IU/mL TPO: < 10 IU/mL Remarks: anti Thyroid antibodies test includes anti Thyroglobulin and anti Microsomal (also known ...

anti HBc IgM
Sample: Serum  Schedule: Daily Units: Range: Negative Remarks: During infection with Hepatitis B virus (australian antigen or HBsag) the anti-HBc IgM (antibodies IgM against core antigen of Hepatitis B virus) ...

anti Skeletal Muscle antibody (IFa)
Sample: Serum  Schedule: Daily Units: TiterRange: Negative Remarks: Skeletal Muscle (Striational) antibodies are found almost in all (80% - 100%) patients with myasthenia gravis and thymoma.Both tests acetylcholine Receptor antibodies ...

anti Mullerian Hormone
Sample: Serum (0.5 mL)Schedule: One week Status: UK labUnits: pmol/LReference Range:Ovarian Fertility Potential                pmol/L                High Level (POS ?)                            > 48.5             Optimal Fertility                            28.6 - 48.5        Satisfactory Fertility                     ...

anti actin antibodies (IFa)
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily Units: Titer Range: Negative Remarks: anti actin (Smooth Muscle, aSMa) antibody is present in patients with acute and chronic hepatitis. The highest titers are observed in ...

anti Reticulin Iga (IFa)
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily Units: Titer Range: Negative Remarks: Iga anti reticulin antibody is found in patients with celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis. Celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis are related ...

aStM (anti Striated Muscle) antibody
Sample: Frozen serum (See instructions)Schedule: Two weeksStatus: UK labUnits: TiterReference Range: Less than 1:10Remarks: anti Striated Muscle (aStM) antibody test is used during diagnosis of Myasthemia Gravis especially when the ...

adrenal Function
Sample:   Schedule: Units: Range: Remarks:adrenal glands are involved in the regulation of many fuctions of the organism: Metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, glucose levels in the blood, participate ...

anti Jo-1 antibody
Sample: Serum  Schedule: Daily Units: Range: Negative Remarks: antibodies to the autoantigen Jo-1 (histidyl-RNa synthetase) are found in a subgroup of connective tissue disease patients with pure polymyositis, pure dermatomyositis, ...

allergy Food panel
Sample: Serum, Plasma (1.5 mL) Schedule: 3 daysStatus: CY LabRemarks: The most important approach to allergy diagnosis is the determination of class specific imunoglobulins IgE directed to the allergens responsible for ...

anti Nucleolar
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily Units: Titer Range: Negative Remarks: The detection of circulating antibodies to nucleolar antigens is relevant for the assessment of Progressive Systemic Sclerosis (PSS) as well as ...

anti β2-Glycoprotein abs
 anti &beta;2-Glycoprotein abs

aNCa-P (MPO anti Myeloperoxidase antibody)
Sample: Serum  Schedule: Daily (IFa), Tuesday and Thursday (ELISa) Units: Titer Range: Negative Remarks: aNCa (anti Neutrophil Cytoplasmic antibody) testing has revolutionized the diagnosis and treatment of various autoimmune mediated ...

alkaline Phosphatase
Sample: Serum 0.5 mL Status: accredited Schedule: Daily Units: U/L Range: (See table below) Remarks: alkaline Phosphatase values increase in bone growth, healing fracture, acromegaly, osteogenic sarcoma, liver or bone ...

aNCa-P (MPO anti Myeloperoxidase antibody)
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily (IFa), Tuesday and Thursday (ELISa) Units: Titer Range: Negative Remarks: aNCa (anti Neutrophil Cytoplasmic antibody) testing has revolutionized the diagnosis and treatment of various autoimmune mediated ...

anti Ku
Sample: Serum  Schedule: Two Weeks Units: IU/mLStatus: UK LabRange: Negative Remarks: autoimmune myositis is an inflammatory disease characterised by chronic inflammation of striated muscle and sometimes of the skin ((polymyositis ...

anti dsDNa (IFa)
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily (Immunofluorescence) Units: Titer Range: Negative Remarks: dsDNa antibodies are found mainly in SLE and are important for diagnosis of that condition as well as for monitoring ...

abroad Tests Service
abroad Tests Service is an important service offered by our laboratory where our clients can solve the challenging problem of how to carry out highly specialized or infrequent tests.The policy ...


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