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Search for c returned 69 results

candida IgG (IFA)
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily (Immunofluorescence) Units: Titer Range: Any positive titer indicates past infection. Remarks: candida spp normally is found in the mouth, vagina, and gastrointeestinal tract of many persons. ...

chlamydia IgA (IFA Test)
Sample: Serum, cervical fluid Schedule: Daily (IFA:Immunofluorescence) Units: Titer Range: Negative Remarks: c. trachomatis IgA antibodies are produced mainly locally and often are not detected in the circulation. A positive ...

Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily (IFA: Immunofluorescence) Units: Titer Range: Negative. If positive, repeat after 10 days Remarks: cMV infection is a common intrauterine congetinal infection. It is also important in ...

cardiology Profile
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily Range: FBc, ESR, cK, cK-MB, SGOT, LDH, Homocysteine, cRP, cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Atherogenic ratio, LDL/HDL, Triglycerides Remarks: The origin of the chest pain may include: heart ...

chloride (Urine)
Sample: Urine (24 hrs without preservative) Schedule: Daily Units: mEq/24 hrs Range: 140 - 250 mEq/24 hrs Remarks: Used to distinguish whether metabolic alkalosis is chloride-responsive (salt-responsive).

Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily Units: mg/dL Range: 20 - 60 mg/dL Remarks: ceruloplasmin is the copper carrier protein and is used in the differential diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis (in combination ...

coxiella burnetti
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily (Immunofluorescence) Units: Titer Range: Positive IgM test may indicate current infection whereas positive IgG indicates past infection. Remarks: coxiella burnetti is the etologial aagent of Q ...

coombs Direct (Rh antibodies)
Sample: Blood Schedule: Daily Units: Range: Negative Remarks: Use to detect immunoproteins, IgG or complement components on the surface of the RBcs. False positive results may be seen if cold ...

Sample: Serum (Fresh frozen) Schedule: Daily Units: pg/mL Range: Up to 10 pg/mL Remarks: calcitonin is produced mainly in the thyroid gland and is useful for the detection and confirmation ...

carbamazepine (TEGRETOL)
Sample: Serum (taken just before the next dose) Schedule: Daily Units: μg/mL Range: 8 - 12 μg/mL Remarks: carbamazepin is a potent antiepileptic drug and is effective alone or with ...

Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily (IFA: Immunofluorescence) Units: Titer Range: 1:16 or more indicates past infection Remarks: cMV infection is a common intrauterine congetinal infection. It is also important in immunocompromissed ...

colloid Thyroid Ab
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily (IFA: Immunofluorescence) Units: Titer Range: Negative Remarks: Useful test in evaluating the causes of spontaneous hypo and hyperthyroidism. colloid antibodies have a mimic effect of stimulating ...

coxsackie IgG (IFA)
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily (IFA: Immunofluorescence) Units: Titer Range: If positive indicates past infection Remarks: coxsackie virus belongs to the group of enteroviruses and is associated with viral meningitis (aseptical ...

ccP (cyclic citrullinated Peptide Ab)
Sample: Serum (refrigerate) Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday Units: Range: Up to 20 Units Remarks: The antibodies against ccP (Anti cyclic citrullinated Peptide Antibodies) were found to be the best test ...

cortisol (p.m.)
cSample: Serum Schedule: Daily Units: nmol/L Factor nmol/L ÷ 27.6 = ug/dL Range: Approx. 50% of a.m. value. Remarks: cortisol is the most abundant circulating steroid and the major glucocorticoid ...

Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily Units: ug/dL Factor x 0.1574 = umol/L Range: 70 ug/dL - 155 ug/dL Remarks: copper is an essential trace elemnt, component of many metallloenzymes (cytochromes, dismutase, ...

cholinesterase True (Erythrocytic, RBc cholinesterase)
Sample: Whole (EDTA) blood Schedule: Daily Units: Range: Remarks: RBc cholinesterase is used to assess intoxication with organophosphate and carbamate compunds. RBc cholinesterase is irreversibly inhibited by organophosphate pesticides and ...

c.S.F. Albumin
Sample: c.S.F. Schedule: Daily Units: mg/dL Range: Up 30 mg/dL Remarks: Although this is a nonspecific test cSF Albumin may be used as indicator of cNS pathology: meningitis, brain abscess, ...

coombs Indirect
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily Units: Range: Negative Remarks: Used as creening test for unexpected antibodies before transfusion procedure as well as Rh screen in the first trimester of pregnancy both ...

Sample: Serum 0.5 mLStatus: AccreditedSchedule: Daily Units: mg/dL Factor x 76.25 = umol/L Range: Up to 1,4 mg/dL Remarks: Serum creatinine is thre most commonly used test for evaluation the ...

Sample: Serum or heparin plasma. Fasting sample (refrigerate) Schedule: Daily Units: ng/mL Range: Less than 5,0 ng/mL Remarks: c-Peptide is increased in hypoglycemic patients with insulin-secreting neoplasms (also increased levels ...

c. psittacii IgG (IFA)
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily (Immunofluorescence)Units: Titer Range: Any positive result indicates past infection Remarks: Psittacosis or ornithosis (parrot fever) is caused by the obligatory organism chlamydia psittaci (c psittaci). This ...

cross Laps (Beta)
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily Units: pg/mL Range: Up to 600 pg/mL (30 - 50 y.o.) Up to 700 pg/mL (50 - 70 y.o.) Up to 1000 pg/mL ( > 70 ...

c.S.F. Examination
Sample: c.S.F. Schedule: Daily Units: Range: Remarks:

c. psittacii IgA (IFA)
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily (Immunofluorescence)Units: Titer Range: A titer of 1:16 or more indicates possible current infection. Remarks: Psittacosis or ornithosis (parrot fever) is caused by the obligatory organism chlamydia ...


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